Criterion I

1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning, delivery and evaluation through a well defined process as prescribed by the respective regulatory councils and the affiliating University.

1.2.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning, delivery and evaluation through a well defined process as prescribed by the respective regulatory councils and the affiliating University. 

1.3.1 The Institution integrates cross-cutting issues relevant to gender, environment and sustainability, human values, health determinants, Right to Health and emerging demographic issues and Professional Ethics into the Curriculum as prescribed by the University / respective regulatory councils

1.3.4 Percentage of students undertaking field visits/Clinical / industry internships/research projects/industry visits/community postings. 

1.3.2 Average percentage of students enrolled in subject-related Certificate/ Diploma / Add-on courses.

1.2.2 Average percentage of students enrolled in subject-related Certificate/ Diploma / Add-on courses.

1.3.3 Average percentage of students enrolled in the value-added courses .

1.4.2 Stakeholder's consolidated feedback analysis report

1.4.1 Sample filled in structured feedback